Use frankincense for cleansing and more


Sap on trunk

Frankincense is part of a traditional coffee ceremony. The dried tree sap gives a sweet pine-like aroma when heated.

Frankincense helps mental clarity🙋, relaxation🧘🏾 and is anti-fungal🌞. The distinct aroma comes from special molecules ⚛. A growing body of research is showing that it may help with pain relief, depression and anxiety. Learn more: 5 Benefits and Uses of Frankincense — And 7 Myths.

Local villagers collect the sap from a mountain tree called boswellia carteri. Since ancient times in Africa and beyond, it’s been used to heighten spirituality, to cleanse a room🧹, and to ward off bad spirits!

An invitation to attend a coffee ceremony is considered a mark of friendship or respect and is an excellent example of Ethiopian hospitality. Join us in a traditional coffee ceremony and enjoy the frankincense aroma if keen.