Accessibility statement

Our washrooms are not standard width for a wheelchair to rotate in. The entrance of Selam Restaurant is accessible by a person in a wheelchair from the outside sidewalk. There is not an elevator for wheelchair access to the lower lounge.

In line with Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), these pages have been constructed to “transform gracefully”, in other words, they:

1) Separate structure from presentation. They use Cascading Style Sheets to control much of the presentation.

2) All content is provided as text; when images, audio or video files are used, they are given equivalent alternatives.

3) Documents do not rely on one type of hardware. Users can access the site with a variety of browser technologies, mobile devices, screen resolutions and settings, with or without mice, etc.

4) All attempts have been made to ensure that the content is understandable and navigable. Consistent naming of navigation menu names and page names help indicate where one is within the site structure.


Related: Terms of use, Privacy policy, Social media guidelines